Saturday, October 3, 2015

The Consitution

No man is allowed to be a judge in his own cause, because his interest would certainly bias his judgment, and, not improbably, corrupt his integrity. With equal, nay with greater reason, a body of men are unfit to be both judges and parties at the same time; yet what are many of the most important acts of legislation, but so many judicial determinations, not indeed concerning the rights of single persons, but concerning the rights of large bodies of citizens? This reading is from the federalist 10 reading.
                This paragraph is about a single person or a body of people, who have the power to make laws or making decisions or electoral decisions for the people.  The writer states that it is not fair for someone or a body of people to have the right to make decision which may affect us all. In relation to the reading this is how our government is run by congress.  A body of people who vote on laws or new policies that affect all of the American people.
                Also this paragraph from today’s reading Another Stab at the Constitution helps explain my point of how we are controlled by the government and really have very little input on the decision they make.  “The fifth piece by Alexander Keyssar argues to abolish the Electoral College. We know the President is not elected through a direct popular vote, but is chosen by electors equal to each states representation in Congress, meaning that elections are decided on a state by state basis. This is one of the more well-known and controversial aspects of the Constitution today.” The US Constitution was created for all of the American people but I don’t believe that we played a part in the creation of the constitution.  However we have to abide by the US Constitution are be punished for breaking the law.  In fact there have been a lot of new laws created over the past few years and we the people had very little influence on the decision that was made.
                In conclusion I do not think we will ever have a voice or a dictation in the creation of laws in this country.  Nor will we ever have a voice in the changing of laws in this country.  Therefore I argue the points are we really free and if not will we be free one day.  From this unfair government that only care about the well-being of the rich and wealthy, not us the people who are really the ones in power!

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